Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Well kiddos if you can do much better than this one, then you better let us know.Get in touch we would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Getting To Know our Father Who Art In In Heaven

Hosea 4:6 states that my people are killed for a lack of knowledge and the Word of God further exhorts that in the day of trouble you can call on The Name of God and He will save you.So this means if you don't know Him,i.e as you know your husband or wife intimately then you may miss the mark.In the book of Daniel we are told that them that know their God will be mighty and do exploits.Now getting to know someone starts with a name ,not the old chat up lines.And then it follows from there.The purpose of this series is to try as much as possible to reveal those names of God that maybe important to us today(mind you they all are).So that you may get to know our Father.

In reality God only has one name as revealed to his servant Moses in Exodus 3:14."God said to Moses,IAM WHO IAM,this is what you say to the Israelites,IAM has sent me to you"
And although the ancient Hebrews used many other names for God, these mainly describe His nature and character.El Elyon,El Shaddai,Jehovah Rohi etc are in truth expressions of who God is.In this first article we will just list the names of God that we intend to study together with the meaning of them.Of course the list is by no means exhaustive but we will aim at a thorough look at the names so our hearts can receive for our spirits to be fed .He who has ears let him hear.....

  • Jehovah Rohi.........................the Lord my shepherd Psalm 23
  • Jehovah Jireh........................the Lord who sees and who provides
  • Jehovah Rophi.......................the Lord who heals you Exodus 15:26
  • Jehovah Makkeh...................the Lord who smites you Exodus 15:23
  • Jehovah Nissi.........................the Lord our banner(victory) Exodus 17:8-16
  • Jehovah Tsebaioth..................the Lord of hosts Joshua 5:13-15
  • Jehovah Shalom.......................the Lord our peace Judges 6:22-24
  • Jehovah Tsidkenu..................the Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 23:5-6
  • Jehovah Shammah.................the Lord is there Ezekiel 48:35
  • El Shaddai................................God is all powerful and all sufficient
  • El Elyon....................................God most High-Creator and Posssessor of Heaven and Earth
  • Immanuel................................God with us Isaiah 7:14
  • Christ our Intercessor...........Hebrews 7:25


Women of God, this an "especially for you" column.It is hard hitting,it is relevant to our way of life today,it is fresh and absolutely jiving.
In each issue we will be looking at the women in the Bible ,the Word of God,and seeing how they speak to us where we are.Yes it has been done before-but remember the Word of God is quick,and active and sharper......So whether this is the 1st, 2nd or whatever time,WOG sit back grab a latte sista, and read on.

Well our sista Rahab was a prostitute.I mean who would have thought she may be in line for such rich blessings and worthy of salvation,well naah...For goodness sake. She saved herself and her family from certain death..her the wrecker of homes and relationships..aah tsk !!!

Lets look at how the drama unfolds,lets work this very unlikely situation out.She is a wench,OK beautiful,good company, especially amongst the men!!,the life and soul of the party this one.Then there is the intrigue surrounding her,a shady past,wrong choices etc.surely the outcome should have been a foregone conclusion,the wrath of God!But no she is a woman with and of substance,she is brave and a heroine!Well talk about the mercies of God!Indeed!And worst of all she gets included in the genealogy of Christ the Messiah,the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.In the scriptures,Joshua 2;1 it tells us how she gets the attention of the right people, at the right time.

She hides the Israelite spies on her rooftop.The very ones whose awesome reputation had the whole of Jericho on tender hooks.Ridiculous.They were here to destroy them, just as they had Og and Sihon..for the glory of their God.Everyone in Jericho had heard of their story.Crossing the Red Sea was nothing short of a miracle..and here they were on her rooftop!.Here,up on the roof, was Caleb and Salmon and before long the king of Jericho's men were at her door.After diverting the kings men,she quickly goes and tells the spies what has happened and also drives a hard bargain(Josh 2;9-14).Caleb and Salmon don't leave until they swear to her safety and give her further instructions(Josh 2:17-18).The deal is done.
And yes there is that fairytale ending..don't be a sista hater girl!!!Rahab marries one of the heroes,Salmon.She gives birth to Boaz,who marries Ruth the Moabite who begat...(Matt1:15)

And what does this spunky girl teach us today?

1)Rahab used her faith, the size of a mustard seed.. and her life changed beyond recognition after that.Where others doubted and feared,she believed and God took that and met her at her point of need.And not only that she is written in the annals of history..forever established in the heavens.Remarkable indeed.

2)She shows us further that your "behind" doesn't have to be your future,in other words she made a choice and truly repented before the Living God of all past mistakes and mishaps.So sista,while you are holding on to what Rahab did to you, she has sorted it out with God and moved on.She trusted that this God she had heard so much about, but never met yet would surely deliver her from this life of aimlessness..and He did.God gave Rahab the prostitute a new name, a new role ,rewrote her history, turned her world upside down!......she gave birth to a son ,Obed who fathered Jesse ,who fathered king David who fathered....
Let it go today and let God deal with you.

3)Thirdly Rahab stayed focused on the matter at hand and did not waiver.

4)And she gave legs and hands to her faith and did something highly significant to the glory of God.She may have been accustomed to taking risks with her everyday clients but this was unprecedented.She knew nothing,went on nothing but the assurances of 2 strangers,the very ones Jericho was warning everyone about,yet she launched into the deep.(Luke 5:4).And God came through and centuries later this lady is still ministering to us.God has not stopped using her century after century.This unlikely heroine who didn't grow up in church and never thought she would amount to much.She was never in the Youth Group much less targeted to be Youth leader,never spoke in tongues,never never never ..and yet God........
Be blessed

Monday, 31 March 2008


Ask the old folk what this all means...back in the day when there was no television,no radio,nothing really to do but sit around the fire listening to ngano or,inganekwane,tsumo,madimikira and so forth.Why entertainment? ...well because once you get into it it is truly a joy to work out and have an idea how our parents used to while away the wee hours.As a people we are calling for the revival of such heritage....take a stroll down memory lane,learn and have fun.


  • kure kwegava ndokusina hubvu

  • kugocha kunoda kwamukoma,kwemunin'ina kunodzima moto

  • tenda dzamwa mombe dzaswera nebenzi

  • gumwe rimwe hari tsvangi inda

  • matakadya kare haaembedzi mwana

  • usakanganwe chezuro ngehope


    • pamusira pazere njike njike

    • mombe dzababa vangu chena dzega dzega asi pane mukono musvuku

    • yaenda yakarereka yadzoka yanhunga makore

    • ndofa ndisina kuwona kadeya wangu

    • pota ngeuko tisangane pamberi

    While it would be nice to give you a clue as to what the answer to the riddles may be ,i guess the fun bit is actually working it out.Post your comment and answer and in the next issue we will announce a winner.Enjoy.!!

    Thursday, 27 March 2008

    Tsuro Na Gudo

    Paivapo,tsuro na gudo.Tsuro aiti sekuru kuna Gudo,gudo achiti muzukuru kuna tsuro.Vaidanana zvikuru .Rimwe zuva Tsuro akati kuna Gudo,"sekuru ndinokukokayi kumutambo wedu wana tsuro.Asi anouya kumutambo uyu, anofanira kuuya nemaoko akachena".Sekuru Gudo wakati zvakanaka muzukuru.Tsuro akapisa rutsva kutenderedza musha wake.Mangwana acho,Gudo akapinda munzira achiuya kumutambo.Paakasvika Tsuro akakwazisa achiti,"kwazivai sekuru,tione maokoenyu".Maoko aGudo akange asvibiswa nerutsva.Tsuro akati,"Sekuru,dzokerai munogeza maoko". Gudo aka dzokera kuno geza, vaTsuro vapedza zvekudya zvese gudo aenda kuno geza maoko.Gudo akashaiwa zvekudya,akadzokera kumba kwake.Ndipo pakaperera sarungano.

    Tuesday, 25 March 2008

    The Amalekite Spirit

    God's people need to know and undestand what they are facing and fighting.In the following articles we are taught what this spirit is,from where it comes and how God expects us to deal with it.GET READY FOR THIS MESSAGE IT IS SERIOUS SOUL FOOD

    Thursday, 20 March 2008

    Beautiful Poetry To Inspire

    Dawn of A New Season
    I stand at the dawn of a new season
    And I cannot enter in
    For I have not taken the time to understand
    The way I should walk therein
    I have not kept my hands clean
    My mind has not platformed itself to receive the understanding
    Of this new dawning

    I stand at the dawn of a new season
    This self reasons with self
    To receive pardon,to receive grace
    This self stands at the dawn looking beyond to see
    Looking and perceiving and seeing the greatness therein
    But unable to avail oneself or to enter in

    I stand at the dawn of a new season
    Why- the question is asked
    Is it so difficult for the grace to be received
    For mercy to be perceived
    For this heart to open up and receive so as to walk in
    Why-so blinded of heart
    So impure in spirit
    So unclean in hands

    I stand at the dawn of a new season
    Crying Abba Father hear the cry of my heart
    Cleanse and purify me so I can enter in
    Wash me by your blood so in righteousness I can walk in
    So I can walk in this new dawning
    Not of myself but by the Blood
    Not in rightness but righteousness
    Not only in righteousness but in purity and humbleness of heart

    I stand at the new dawn of a season
    And my hearts cry is to be meshed into His Presence
    For self to no longer be a realisation of me but HIM
    For life to no longer be for me but for HIM,his presence,worship,adoration,accolade
    Oh Lord so that I can enter in
    So I can rejoice once again
    And in this new dawn find favour once again in your sight
    And be blessed beyond the edge of reason

    By Tatenda Tanyanyiwa

    The Pastors Business Card

    A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners.At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home,but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.Therefore,he took the out a business card and wrote"Revelation3:20" on the back of it and stuck it through the door.

    When the offering was processed the following Sunday,he found that his card had been returned.Added to it was this cryptic message,"Genesis 3:10".Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation,he broke up in gales of laughter.

    Revelation 3:20 begins.."Behold ,I stand at the door and knock".
    Genesis 3:10 reads.."I heard your voice in the garden but I was afraid for I was naked".

    A cheerful heart is good medicine".Prov 17:22

    Wednesday, 12 March 2008

    Thursday, 17 January 2008

    A Chat With Pastor G...

    We caught up with Stanley Ngoni Gwanzura, eh popularly known as Pastor G, on his e-mail and the cool Pastor was online. The conversation went as follows:

    …Hi Pastor G, I hope all is well with you and your family….

    My family is cool.

    ...Your music inspires many. Tell us what inspires you?

    I am inspired by the love of God for peoples of all nations and his desire for us know Him the living truth and to make him known. I am inspired by the likes of Kirk Franklin, Pastor Benjamin Dube, Fred Hammond and Brian Sibalo who have take gospel music into the world. I am inspired by artisits like Bono of U2 and others who take poverty in Africa seriously.

    ...You are a family man, does the family have to cope with your workload, and how do you make it easy for them. And with the music industry being tough and busy, how do you cope?

    Its not easy balancing my life as minister of music and family life but by the grace of God I manage.

    ...Run us through your typical day.

    My typical day is spent doing several things. In the morning I spend time in the word and prayer and then breakfast. About 11-1pm, I check mail and afternoons often in meetings or studio sessions. I am currently on the postproduction of my live CD/DVD and also trying to finish a studio CD called Inspiration. I rehearse three times a week in the evening 5 to7.

    ...A lot of people perceive a spiritual vacuum in Zimbabwe today. Do you agree and what do you feel God may be saying to the churches at this time?

    I think Zimbabwe is spiritually ripe for a great move of God. Wherever there is great pain and challenge, Gods grace abounds more. We are seeing a great move of God in Zimbabwe as people become hungrier for God.

    ...Give us 10 things you are grateful for today.

    Ten things am grateful for are: Salvation, My wife and sons, Gods abundant provision, My band, My pastor, My parents, My siblings, My purpose, My friends, Zimbabwe, Music etc.

    ...There are many great and wonderful characters in the Bible, David, Job, and Naaman etc. Who do identify with most and why?

    Definitely David coz he was a psalmist and a worshipper. Joshua coz he obeyed and conquered for God. Jesus is not just a character he is my Lord and God. He is my ultimate inspiration.

    ...You are in a position of great influence through your music ministry, tell us how do you keep humble?

    I keep humble coz it is about God not about me. Fame is easy come easy go.

    Are you in the will of God and how does one discern this?

    I know I am in Gods will because of what he is doing through me and around me. Am living in my purpose.

    Everyone has setbacks and hard times, do you have any regrets and why?

    Setbacks are not having a full rig of equipment I have bits and pieces, and not having my own studio and PA system. I need over US3500 for a good rig.

    For those up and coming gospel artists what is your advice?

    Be sure of your calling is what I can say to upcoming artists. Aim to have character above all else.

    You have a few things up your sleeve ...anything exciting on the horizon regarding your music?

    A live DVD and CD called Mhoroi-live and Inspiration a studio project. I plan to do more ministries in Church conferences both locally and internationally. I am planning a tour of Tanzania, Kenya, Australia, Zambia and UK .

    ...Any exhortations or last words to the people within and without Christ, in and out of Zimbabwe?

    Zimbabwe, keep your head for your time is nigh, Salvation cometh not from man but from the Lord of heaven and Earth.

    Bookings people can call 0026311614366, 00263912300029, and 0026771968289 or email

    Listen to Pastor G:_________________________


    "MY HOME" CD

    Tyre Sense

    The disadvantages of driving an un-roadworthy vehicle include paying a hefty fine if caught (or a bribe: corruption is rife these days), your insurance refusing to pay if you’re involved in an accident and if someone dies in the accident courts will unlikely take your side.

    Cash strapped or not, this is what all motorists need to consider before taking that un-roadworthy vehicle out for a spin. And tyres are the most important part that can turn a car into a high-speed man-made monster.

    Usually this is the dilemma: You need to keep your car going, but the tyres are worn out and your pay-advice is embarrassing (it’s not the fake one you show the girls). What then?

    Well, quite honestly, if money is the issue then second hand tyres is the way to go. But before you do buy, like any responsible driver you need to have safety in your mind. This means knowing the standard specification of tyres for your car. Not only is this playing safe, but using correct tyres can also save you fuel and in Zimbabwe where fuel is a luxury, fuel economy must be important to you.

    Buying a second-hand tyre, like buying any other second had item, is not easy. Many questions come to your mind. Will it last? Why was it let go by the owner? How old is it? Of course one question that many people do not ask themselves is what environment was it designed for?

    Some countries have snow and ice with tyres specially designed for that environment. It’s nothing to worry about if everyone was honest, but dealers have a tendency of looking for a quick dollar by not following recommendations. Using such tyres on Zimbabwean roads would be unsuitable. Mostly, such tyres are brought into the country for retreading. But because on some the tread will be acceptable the importer then sells it as it is.

    Retreads are another popular option to brand new tyres because of the significant price difference. Retreads have an appeal because they look new but generally they don’t last in comparison to brand new ones. This can be a problem with the tyres or other issues like wheel alignment and road quality (our roads have really been hard hit by a pothole outbreak).

    It is advisable to buy retreads from reputable dealers. Most car-owners might be unaware but tyre can only be retreaded once. Some dealers will simply ignore this and will put new tread on an old casing more than once. Manufactures of tyres recommend a tyre lifespan of seven to eight yrs.

    The tread is an important part of the tyre. It affects speed and handling. The casing holds everything together into a tyre just like a skeleton gives structure to some living creatures. Another important function of the tread is to remove water from between the tyre rubber and the road in wet conditions. Without it the tyre would be bald and there would be layer of water between the tyre and the road making driving dangerously difficult.

    Monday, 7 January 2008

    Market trends expected to continue in 2008...

    It’s business as usual after successful squeezing into the New Year. As the holiday festivities fade away, reality sets in. It’s going to be another tough year for business. Inflation is still spiraling freely upward, and interest rates are still prohibitively low. And the coming harmonized march elections seem not to offer any good prospects for business.

    This means treasury departments have to be technically competent in identifying investment vehicles with returns that closely match inflation patterns.

    Commentators believe that the stock market faired relatively well in 2007 ahead of other investment vehicles given that it was nearer the inflation rate. This trend is expected to continue this year as the patterns of the major market determinants; inflation and investment interest rate remain unchanged. Of course the performance of the stock market might be affected by the Monetary Policy to be announced. The Monetary policy will have an impact on the interest rate and exchange rate policy.

    Given that the government faces fiscal obligations of financing the productive sector of the economy, importing fuel, reducing the ballooning budget deficit and other commitments, it is unlikely that interest rates will go up. An increase in interest rates will make borrowing expensive and the government would not want that given that it is the major borrower in the local money market. This scenario makes the money market an unfavorable investment vehicle.

    The property market is another form of investment that investors can go into. Compared to other investments, the property market seemed to have benefited from the price blitz of June 2007. Property prices continued to go up inline with inflation regardless of the government directed price freeze. Caution is necessary when putting money in the property market however. Given that property is very expensive it might not be possible for an investor to take their profits at shorter notices. In addition to the problem of liquidity, property sometimes cannot be divided and sold in smaller units.

    The foreign currency is a tempting market but is very unattractive as it carries high risk. Dealing in foreign currency is mostly illegal.

    Commentators say that 2008 will not be unusual compared to 2007, as the trend that saw the widening gap between inflation and interest rates is likely to continue. This same trend that saw the stock market perform well is bound to have that performance repeated this year, and give you good reason to invest in the stock market, on selected counters of course.

    Unfaithful Wife

    An elderly couple are sitting around one evening and the man says to wife "Marsha, we are about to celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. We've had a wonderful life together, full of contentment and blessings. But there's something I've always wondered about: Tell the truth. Have you ever been unfaithful to me? " She hesitates a moment, then says Yes, 3 times, Sidney.""Three times?" How could that happen?" Sidney asks. The wife begins recalling slowly "Well, do you remember right after we were married and we were so broke, and the bank was going to foreclose on our little house?" "Yes, that was really a terrible time" replies the man. Marsha continued, "And remember when I went to see the banker one night and the next day the bank extended our loan?" "That's hard to take" the man says "but I guess it really was for us,so I can forgive you.""What was the second time?" "Well," she continued "do you remember years later when you almost died from the heart problem because we couldn't afford the operation?" "Yes of course" the man replies. " Then you will remember that night after I went to see the doctor, he did your operation at nocost?" she explained. "That's true" Sidney nodded. "That shocks me, Marsha, but I do understand that you did it out of love for me, and I forgive you. "So, what was the third time?" Marsha lowers her head and says "Sidney, do you remember when you ran for Country Club President and you needed 62 more votes?" The man fainted....


    At a doctor's surgery one morning a patient arrives complaining of serious backache. The doctor examines him and asks him, "What the hell did you do to your back? "The patient replies, "You know that I am a bouncer at a local night club? Well, yesterday morning I got home to my flat quite early and heard a noise in my bedroom. On entering I knew someone had been sleeping with my wife as my wife was lying naked in bed and the balcony door was open. I rushed out the balcony door and did not find anyone. As I looked down from the balcony I saw a man running out of the building and he was dressing himself. I grabbed the fridge and threw it at him. That's how I strained my back ". The 2nd patient arrives looking as if he has been in a car wreck. The doctor says, "My previous patient looked bad, but you look terrible. What the hell happened to you? "The 2nd patient replies, "You know I have been unemployed for a while now Doctor? Well yesterday morning was my first day at my new job. I forgot to set my alarm and was running late. I was running out of the building, getting dressed at the same time, and you won't believe it but Iwas hit by a fridge. The 3rd patient arrives; he looks even worse than the other two patients did. The doctor was shocked. Again he asks, "What the hell happened to you?" "Well I was sitting in a fridge ............ !"

    Thursday, 3 January 2008

    Getting into 2008..

    The New Year’s Eve ended quietly with little commercial activity in town, save for long queues at the banks and empty grocery shops. Against this sad background, many young people were at home saving their energies for what was to come later.

    To the young the New Year’s Eve is a much-anticipated grand finale, which climaxes at the stroke of midnight. There is no experience like being there at the birth of a new year. Memorable. Very. Of course some people simply sleep the night away. To them it’s just like any other night. Some wait for it quietly, telling stories of all sorts while seeping something till the countdown, after which it’s good night see you tomorrow (eh later today). Others believe in celebrating the New Year by doing all sorts of crazy things. They wait in hiding to ambush civilized society’s infrastructure. At the stroke of midnight they leap out, and like the possessed do all sorts of damage. After a few moments of madness and being satisfied with the havoc they retire.

    But, to date, nothing has been more popular than entering a new year as light and as high as a cloud. To those who feel young, boys and girls, men, woman, married, single, whoever, going out on the 31st of December is a must, otherwise the rest of the year is filled with regret as you are told of how the club was happening on the 31st.

    No doubt as the hour approached 10 o’clock, the streets of Bulawayo filled with various night creatures. Rats, dogs, cats, clubbers. Everything and everyone was feeling the mood of the moment. And it seemed everyone was trying to position him or herself for the countdown by choosing the coolest spot.

    10th Avenue btwn J.Tongogara and R.Mugabe has the highest concentration of entertainment spots. Khami Bar with Emthunzini Gardens (the former notorious Silver Fox), Safari Bar, Club Alabama, Rainbow Hotel and a very popular bottle store where people seem to drink any hour of the day (here you can also get your car re-fueled, don’t look for a service station though, and washed while you’re negotiating a forex deal). Rainbow was toping the charts here. Besides the bar filled with execs and bowlers, there was a party in the presidential room with tha shawty looking so fine. The bombi-stombi was also happening. The problem here as expected is that there is no M.C, the beat is freeloaded usually from a volunteer and if it ain’t loud enough nigga get you own system to pimp.

    There were days when Fife Street was the most popular street in town for nightlife. 31st was not one of those days. Along this street there is Crash Sports Bar (former Paparazzi) and Hustlers after Haefilis. It was easy to notice the nonexistence of these joints. Save for a couple of taxis parked outside and a couple of unaccompanied ladies, there was nothing at these joints for someone wanting something to talk about to his peers for the next year.

    On the way to where it really happened there was Visions. A giant human kraal had been erected for a so-called street bash. Luckily no humans had been trapped by the late hour. Or it’s just that people did not like the idea of dancing outside wasting their expensive perfumes in the night air and their expensive skunas in the rough pot-holed road carpeting the enclosure. Or it was that most of the patrons at this club were kiddies. Well they wouldn’t want to be spotted by their uncle happening to be chilling at Ebunandini just adjacent would they? Not to worry about daddy or mummy, she is working a new year’s shift in the Diaspora to pay for the January’s installment of Doc’s Mec.

    Leaving Visions and other ancient relics of clubbing history behind, and driving completely out of town it seemed like the nomadic night crawlers had found their final resting place for the night. Tents, eh cars were all over the place. There was no doubt in your mind when you arrived that this was the spot! Its Bras baby and you’re just in time too. Knock your self out and boy did you see it come or you were already in it. There is nothing to talk about after all, but then that’s the excitement the New Year causes. Happy New Year.