I stand at the dawn of a new season
And I cannot enter in
For I have not taken the time to understandThe way I should walk therein
I have not kept my hands clean
My mind has not platformed itself to receive the understanding
Of this new dawning
I stand at the dawn of a new season
This self reasons with self
To receive pardon,to receive grace
This self stands at the dawn looking beyond to see
Looking and perceiving and seeing the greatness therein
But unable to avail oneself or to enter in
I stand at the dawn of a new season
Why- the question is asked
Is it so difficult for the grace to be received
For mercy to be perceived
For this heart to open up and receive so as to walk in
Why-so blinded of heart
So impure in spirit
So unclean in hands
I stand at the dawn of a new season
Crying Abba Father hear the cry of my heart
Cleanse and purify me so I can enter in
Wash me by your blood so in righteousness I can walk in
So I can walk in this new dawning
Not of myself but by the Blood
Not in rightness but righteousness
Not only in righteousness but in purity and humbleness of heart
I stand at the new dawn of a season
And my hearts cry is to be meshed into His Presence
For self to no longer be a realisation of me but HIM
For life to no longer be for me but for HIM,his presence,worship,adoration,accolade
Oh Lord so that I can enter in
So I can rejoice once again
And in this new dawn find favour once again in your sight
And be blessed beyond the edge of reason
By Tatenda Tanyanyiwa
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