Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Getting To Know our Father Who Art In In Heaven

Hosea 4:6 states that my people are killed for a lack of knowledge and the Word of God further exhorts that in the day of trouble you can call on The Name of God and He will save you.So this means if you don't know Him,i.e as you know your husband or wife intimately then you may miss the mark.In the book of Daniel we are told that them that know their God will be mighty and do exploits.Now getting to know someone starts with a name ,not so.like the old chat up lines.And then it follows from there.The purpose of this series is to try as much as possible to reveal those names of God that maybe important to us today(mind you they all are).So that you may get to know our Father.

In reality God only has one name as revealed to his servant Moses in Exodus 3:14."God said to Moses,IAM WHO IAM,this is what you say to the Israelites,IAM has sent me to you"
And although the ancient Hebrews used many other names for God, these mainly describe His nature and character.El Elyon,El Shaddai,Jehovah Rohi etc are in truth expressions of who God is.In this first article we will just list the names of God that we intend to study together with the meaning of them.Of course the list is by no means exhaustive but we will aim at a thorough look at the names so our hearts can receive for our spirits to be fed .He who has ears let him hear.....

  • Jehovah Rohi.........................the Lord my shepherd Psalm 23
  • Jehovah Jireh........................the Lord who sees and who provides
  • Jehovah Rophi.......................the Lord who heals you Exodus 15:26
  • Jehovah Makkeh...................the Lord who smites you Exodus 15:23
  • Jehovah Nissi.........................the Lord our banner(victory) Exodus 17:8-16
  • Jehovah Tsebaioth..................the Lord of hosts Joshua 5:13-15
  • Jehovah Shalom.......................the Lord our peace Judges 6:22-24
  • Jehovah Tsidkenu..................the Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 23:5-6
  • Jehovah Shammah.................the Lord is there Ezekiel 48:35
  • El Shaddai................................God is all powerful and all sufficient
  • El Elyon....................................God most High-Creator and Posssessor of Heaven and Earth
  • Immanuel................................God with us Isaiah 7:14
  • Christ our Intercessor...........Hebrews 7:25

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